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If you enjoyed JavaScript: The Complete Reference, be sure to take a look at these other critically acclaimed titles by Thomas A. Powell. Click on any title to go directly to Amazon.com and purchase the book.
Web Design: The Complete Reference (Osborne/McGraw-Hill)
Create effective Web sites following the latest technologies and techniques. Author, instructor, and Web design guru Thomas Powell has fully-revised this second edition (August 2002) of his highly instructive Web design and development techniques. From determining your needs and planning your site, to the nuts-and-bolts of page development with text, graphics, scripts, and multimedia, everything you'll need to know is covered in this comprehensive volume. The companion Web site is loaded with live examples you can apply to your own site, along with links to other useful sites and downloadable tools.
HTML & XHTML: The Complete Reference (Osborne/McGraw-Hill)
Now in its fourth edition (August 2003), this comprehensive guide will help you to build and design dynamic, fully-functional Web sites. UNIXReview.com calls HTML: The Complete Reference "the best all-around HTML book." The fourth edition offers even more: updated notes on browser support, expanded coverage of XML and XHTML, and the latest XHTML 1.0 specification. The companion Web site has been updated to reflect the latest version of the book, including support notes on new browsers (Internet Explorer 6, Netscape 7, and Opera), new material on XHTML compatibility, and more.
HTML Programmer's Reference (Osborne/McGraw-Hill)
This compact companion volume to HTML: The Complete Reference provides easy access to all HTML elements defined by the official HTML 4.0 standard, as well as many proprietary elements in current use. Each entry includes a complete rundown of each element's attributes and values, along with usage examples, notes on browser compatibility, and browser attribute support. Co-authored by Thomas A. Powell and Dan Whitworth.
Web Site Engineering: Beyond Web Page Design (Prentice-Hall)
Web Site Engineering by Thomas A. Powell (with David L. Jones and Dominique C. Cutts) is the first book to systematically address the management, technical and operational issues that arise when Web sites become sophisticated application deployment platforms. It builds on hard-won software engineering principles, defining a new model for Web site development that delivers reliability, scalability and value without compromising speed.